Monday, April 28, 2008

No Case of the Mondays for Me!

Okay, so we all know Monday’s suck. They especially suck when the weather is dreary and drizzly. This morning I decided to step out into the world with a positive attitude—stop and smell the roses. In my case, it was stop and take pics of the flowers on the way to the metro with my cute pic camera (thanks, beau). The potted flowers looked so pretty with the raindrops. I also decided, hey, don’t rush, let that crowded train go buy and wait a couple minutes for an empty one. Getting off at Metro Center, I thought, hey, take a different walking route on the way to the office. And guess who around the corner to greet me…the Pope. Well, a wax sculpture of him at least. So what I was 15 minutes later than usual to work?

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